The Creekside Portfolio will be a “library” of topics and speakers which the teachers can browse. The teachers can then contact the speaker directly to discuss possible topics and dates. Being listed does not obligate you to speak, it merely creates the opportunity. Many of you have wonderful stories worth sharing. Maybe it is a career in a technical field, such as nursing or engineering. It might be your travels overseas or in different parts of the US. How many of us have lived in different countries or interesting regions of the United States? Even your hobbies and interests, such as photography, fine arts, or music might be a good topic for a talk or demonstration. Outside speakers can spark the interest of students and open their eyes to a bigger world. And the teachers greatly appreciate the show of outside support for students.
Don’t worry about “speaking in public!” Many of volunteers report their experiences are warm and welcoming. Residents have given talks on various subjects including meteorology, fluid dynamics, aviation, and careers. The teachers and faculty coaches are happy to work with you on ideas regarding your time in the classroom. It isn't hard to find ways that are fun for both you and the students. You might show pictures, or bring objects, or decide upon a group activity – but it will be up to you to decide what to do, how much time you need and how to interact with the class. In the end, you decide what will be comfortable and fun for you – which will always be beneficial for the students.
STEAM Week is coming in May!
During the week of May 4-8, W.G. Pearson will be having a “STEAM showcase,” with special activities for the students. They are thinking of having an “International Adventure Day” on May 5 and would love to have Creekside residents come and share some of their travel experiences with the students. On May 6, they will probably have a Career Day, where the students can talk to people about various careers. Your vocation can open up the eyes of the students to opportunities they might not have been exposed to before. Our goal is to have some of our Creekside Cares Portfolio volunteers at STEAM Week on both days. Please consider joining us!
If you are interested in learning more, please sign up on the Creekside Cares website “Creekside Portfolio” form. Here is a link: Creekside Cares Talent Portfolio
Signing up does not commit you – it merely helps us start exploring possibilities. The plans for this program have been in the works for almost a year now. We are super excited to see our dreams realized.
We hope you will pass the word!
The Creekside Portfolio isn't restricted to just members of Creekside Cares. Please feel free to share this email with any neighbors who live here in Creekside and might have an interesting story to tell. The more speakers we have, the more students we can help!
If you have any questions or want to learn more, please feel free to contact our leader for this program John Aclin at [email protected]
Thanks for all you do. We are serving our community with heart.