Creekside Cares and the Creekside Motor Club are joining forces to raise funds to purchase items for 19 local fire station houses and our first responders. We will have a table and punch bowl at the Muscle Car and Motor Cycle show at Hemingway Hall from 12-2 p.m. on March 27, 2021. Each fire station has asked for an item valued at $50 or less. We will accept cash or checks made payable to Creekside Cares. If you can't make the show, but would like to donate, please email us at: [email protected] and we will arrange to pick up your donation.
Would you like to easily support Creekside Cares? We are now officially part of the Amazon Smile Program. This charitable program allows you to shop as you normally would and automatically designate Creekside Cares as the beneficiary agency. A small portion of the sale will be donated on your behalf. You order like you normally would, only be sure to use our unique link:
Once you designate our Organization, you can shop through the Amazon Smile portal and we will remain listed on your purchases in the future. These small amounts may add up over time, so we hope you will share this information with friends and family! We were very excited to be contacted by Dress for Success. They had heard about our good works with the Durham Children's Initiative and wanted to explore a partnership. We shared our current mask-making project with them and they were excited to learn about our efforts. After discussion, it was determined this project would be very beneficial to their clients.
Women have been hit very hard by the pandemic and the economic downturn. Dress for Success (DFS) helps their clients obtain employment and economic independence through empowerment, training and free professional attire. Each DFS client will now receive a set of 2 Olson style masks created by Creekside Cares volunteers. The sets will include 1 Black and 1 Navy adjustable contour mask, 4 washable, removable filters, and 2 aluminum nose strips to help her stay safe. Women served by DFS are often the sole breadwinners in their families. By keeping them protected, we will be helping to keep their families, our community, and our economy protected. We hope these brave women will be going places, going strong, and going safe! Learn more about DFS Triangle at their website. We hope to conduct a clothing drive for them in the near future. Stay tuned! Thanks to our caring volunteers who braved cold weather to help distribute school supplies, food and clothing to our families at W.G. Pearson Elementary. It was a rare treat to see (behind masks) our favorite scholars, their families and staff at our adopted school W.G. Pearson. Lots of families participated and went home with supplies and well wishes for learning during these challenging times.
We hope things will return to normal very soon. We received this nice note from the school: We just wanted to say "thank you" to Creekside Cares for assisting us with the remote learning kit and food distribution on yesterday! It was a big success as we had a lot of parents to drive up, and your volunteers were tremendous!! Your help in setting up a SignUp Genius on short notice made all the difference. We look forward to getting back to somewhat of a normalcy as soon as allowed. Community support and schools go hand in hand, and we appreciate everything you all do to assist us at WG! We have attached a few pictures for you to share and your records. Thank you again, we will talk soon. Delbert Jarmon, W.G. Pearson Elementary Thank you to our Creekside Community. Our recently closed mask sale raised over $1,000! We will use these funds to support our charitable mask program.
We have been sewing up a storm and continue to provide masks to wonderful organizations like Durham Children's Initiative, Meals on Wheels and Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Remember to mask up and if you know an organization in need, please contact us. We want to show our community, Creekside Cares. Is it time to replenish your mask supply? Creekside Cares is opening up sales again to provide masks to our community and raise funds for charity masks we provide to nonprofits in our area. As of January 14, we have donated over 8,500 masks. Your support of our fundraisers has enabled us to purchase supplies to keep sewing to stop the spread.Our newest 100% cotton, contour masks feature an improved removable aluminum nose strip, two (2) washable, removable polypropelene filters, and now feature soft, comfortable, adjustable elastic. These are the most comfortable masks we have made yet! They sell for $10 each or 3 for $25.00 We have limited stock. When they are gone, they're gone!
We also have pleated masks that feature two layers of cotton fabric and adjustable ear straps. They sell for $5.00 each or 4 for $15.00. If you are in need of additional aluminum nose strips or extra filters, we are now selling those separately as well. Visit our SignUp Genius for detail and to place your order. A Creekside Cares volunteer will contact you to arrange a no-contact exchange of payment for your order. We are requesting checks be made payable to Creekside Cares, Inc. or exact change. Thank you to the entire community for your support of our our Creekside Cares Helps Feed Our Community Campaign. Your generosity is mind-blowing. The Creekside at Bethpage community raised $3,000 total during our 7 day popup campaign. Our Creekside Cares Vice President, Paul Leifer delivered the final $2,000 this morning. With the current doubling campaign at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, our gifts will be $6,000.
Please be reminded Larry and Scarlett Wilson will continue their collections on their porch at 1016 Cadence. The box on Larry and Scarlett's porch accepts both non-perishable food items and check donations. Since they began their collection 10 months ago, they have collected and delivered in excess of $5,130 to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle along with mountains of food. Their work at the Windsor Springs Senior Facility will continue. As this giving season ends, we know the needs of many will not end. We encourage you to visit Larry and Scarlett's collection box when you can! It's very exciting that we have two wonderful partnerships in our community with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. Creekside Cares hopes to resume our Backpack Buddy and Food Box stuffing programs soon. We can't wait to resume our weekly Backpack Buddy distribution at WG Pearson Elementary. Meeting the kids we were were helping was especially heartwarming. Please allow your Creekside Cares board to wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. We are praying that the New Year 2021 will be better. We are certain our big-hearted community will continue to come together. Thanks for helping us show the world #CreeksideCares. Thank you for a successful Holiday Zone 2020! We began collecting in our Creekside neighborhood on November 9, and and made our final delivery on Monday, December 7. We collected gifts, toys, tape, wrapping paper and batteries for the children and families served by the Durham Children's Initiative. They needed our help more than ever. We were able to deliver literally hundreds upon hundreds of items and we also donated $1,215 in cash, checks and gift cards.
Your support helped us bring some holiday joy to our community! We helped the Durham Children's Initiative serve 170 families and approximately 500 children! Each family received gifts, wrapping paper and a $50 gift card to Food Lion. Thank you to everyone who participated and volunteered. This community is a generous and giving one! Creekside Cares is proud to partner again with Girl Scout Troop 1001 this year to light up our community. This is our fifth straight year of supporting local girl scouts. Sets of 6 luminaria are available for $6.00 per set. Each set includes 6 white paper bags, 6 votive candles, 6 candle cups and enough sand to fill the bottom of the bags. Residents will light and display the luminaria on December 24 beginning at 7 p.m. Residents may purchase more than one set. All proceeds benefit the troop and their plans for a special group activity. Residents are not required to participate.
This year due to the pandemic, members of the troop will be providing contact-free delivery to your porch. You may reserve your set(s) of luminaria by emailing: [email protected]. Please include your name, address, number of kits desired, and a contact phone. Please make checks payable to: Girl Scout Troop 1001. If you would like to pay via PayPal, please use the following link: in advance. Please remember to include your name, street address, number of kits desired and a phone number. While Creekside residents are not required to participate, we certainly hope you do. It will nice to shine a little festive light during these trying times and support the Girl Scouts and their wonderful mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Holiday Zone collections continue through December 3, 2020. Collection boxes are located throughout the neighborhood, and at Hemingway Hall. Thank you to everyone who has already donated.
Creekside CARESWe're all about charity, service, fun and positive thinking. Archives
December 2022